In 2024 Elbowbumpkid Inc awarded two $1,000 scholarships for young adult Connecticut residents. Please email scholarships@elbowbumpkidinc.org if you are interested in receiving an application when the future applications are released.
2025 College Scholarship dates:
open March 1
deadline May 1
announcement May 8
2024 College Scholarship Recipients
Scholarships were awarded to Ivy McNiel and Kaitlin Tassmer - their applications clearly demonstrated their commitment to the community.
Ivy was diagnosed at age 7 and Kaitln was diagnosed at age 9 so both remember life before T1D, and had to adapt quickly to make sure they didn't miss a thing! Both women have very supportive networks at school and in sports that are very knowledgeable about T1D. Both students are patients at Connecticut Children's and appreciate the consultative relationships they have with their providers who helped them thrive despite the diagnosis.
We hope Ivy and Kaitlin have an amazing academic year and T1D stays on the sidelines.


Friends For Life 2024
Elbowbumpkid Inc awarded 3 scholarships to attend the diabetes education event, Friends For Life in Orlando, Florida. The families learned from leaders in the diabetes community how to thrive despite the disease and made valuable connections to build their support community. Both T1D children & siblings had opportunities to connect with others in their peer group through the valuable children's programming.

Diabetes Scholars Beyond Type 1 Scholarship - 2022
​Elbowbumpkid Inc awarded Ethan Rosenthal, a local 2022 high school graduate, with a scholarship through Diabetes Scholars, a program of nonprofit organization Beyond Type 1. Ethan has type 1 diabetes, but has thrived despite the challenges of this chronic illness. Ethan is pursuing a career in nursing. Ethan used the scholarship to continue his education at Florida State University.

Friends For Life 2021
Elbowbumpkid Inc awarded our first scholarship to attend the diabetes education event, Friends For Life in Orlando, Florida. Anna's family learned from leaders in the diabetes community how to thrive despite the disease and her child made valuable connections to build their long term support community.

Friends For Life 2023
Elbowbumpkid Inc awarded 3 scholarships to attend the diabetes education event, Friends For Life in Orlando, Florida. The families learned from leaders in the diabetes community how to thrive despite the disease and made valuable connections to build their support community. Both T1D children & siblings had opportunities to connect with others in their peer group through the valuable children's programming.

Friends For Life 2022
Elbowbumpkid Inc awarded 4 scholarships to attend the diabetes education event, Friends For Life in Orlando, Florida. The families learned from leaders in the diabetes community how to thrive despite the disease, their children met other kids "just like them" and all made valuable connections to strengthen their support community.